Roam Wiki

Roam is a very simple to use plugin for both developers and players on your server. In the plugin there is one main command: /roam. By using the command you can
easily enter and exit roam mode. To configure the plugin follow the next steps:

  1. Open your server's folder.
  2. Click to open the folder titles plugins.
  3. In the plugins folder look for a folder called Roam.
  4. Open the Roam folder and there open the config.yml file.

Here is how the configuration file will look:

To edit the configuration file I recommend using Notepad++.

Everything about the plugin can be edited in the configuration file. There is currently no developer API but that can be added on request.
First edit the config in any way you would like than save the file and go back to your server in game. Here you can do /roam reload (Currently Expiermental) or /restart or reload the server and your new configuration options will be loaded. If you don't understand anything in the configuration file read the messages under it or contact me on discord: HerohollandYT#0666. Roam also has 1 dependency. This dependency is ActionBarAPI. To install this will be the same method as roam. Just drag and drop it into your plugins folder and reload. Congratulations! You have now enabled roam!

Need more help? Watch the tutorial/showcase below to see all the features!